Alert! Android Games Can Cause Addiction

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What makes games so addictive? Like other addictions, gaming addiction is a multi-faceted problem. Video game designers are always looking for ways to make their games more interesting and make people want to play the game longer. They want people who play their games to never want to stop playing.

Therefore, they design games that may be easy to play but more challenging, making it difficult for players to win so they are challenged to continue playing. In this case, the design of video games is similar to the design of gambling casinos, so the player’s chances of winning are very small for them to continue playing.

There are lots of Android games that are trendy and are often played online or live streaming on social media, one of the most famous being PUBG Mobile, Mobile Legend, Online Slots, Pokemon etc.

Imagine, what would happen if you became addicted and could no longer stop playing games all the time?
There are many things that cause addiction to online games, some of which are as follows:

Always developing and never ending
If dozens of years ago games were programmed using certain levels that would run out and make the game end when the gamer reached the highest level, now it’s different.

Most games are constantly evolving and have so many features in them, that they are never finished. Developers will generally present various new features, such as: characters, weapons, and others that will keep gamers curious to play and play again without end.

Not just playing games and conquering various games online, now gamers can also interact with each other, just like when we use social media. This will certainly be a special attraction, especially for those who like the same community interaction.

The high interest in games makes various communities, including developers, very enthusiastic about holding various competitions. Not only on a small scale, these various competitions often occur on a wide and global scale. Not only that, a number of large prizes will also usually be presented to enliven these competitions.Games are not just boring entertainment, these games can even be a very challenging place for those who like them. In the game, gamers will find various levels with varying skill levels, this is the biggest attraction in the game. Everyone will need certain skills to be able to conquer the levels in the game, and will get instant satisfaction after conquering the level.

But it doesn’t stop there, a number of curiosity will also arise afterwards, where the person concerned will be very challenged to beat the next levels.

The various challenges in the game will certainly cause various forms of emotions for the gamers who play it. Feelings of tension, anxiety, anger, or even happiness may appear. In some conditions, these various feelings can affect the lives of gamers, resulting in unstable emotional conditions.

The various challenges in the game will certainly cause various forms of emotions for the gamers who play it. Feelings of tension, anxiety, anger, or even happiness may appear. In some conditions, these various feelings can affect the lives of gamers, resulting in unstable emotional conditions. Not only when playing games, an addicted gamer may feel restless or even anxious when they can’t play the game they are interested in.

Some games allow players to shape their characters according to their wishes. This is certainly fun, but at the same time it can be an escape for gamers, where they feel they have found a small world that suits their wishes. These various games can make them “immerse” in various imaginations of these characters, and even become an escape for them.

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