How is Online Gambling Run and Why Are People Interested in Playing?

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The massive development of the digital era has influenced the world of gambling, which is experiencing an extraordinary transformation. In fact, gambling has been recorded as part of human history for centuries. With the support of technological developments, it has opened the door to many more modern forms of gambling. Just to name a few types of gambling games such as online slots, online poker, online casino, soccer betting, etc., these are new types of gambling whose existence is supported by the development of digital technology.

In some countries, online gambling has become an industry that generates billions of dollars due to regulations governing it. However, the increasing number of online gambling providers and operators has raised concerns about the dark variants of illegal online gambling. We can see now that illegal online gambling has emerged to the point that it is difficult to control in many countries that have even banned the activity. The growth in the number of players and the value of money circulating in online gambling can be said to be fantastic. In the context of Indonesia alone, PPATK reported that in the 2017 – 2022 period, the turnover of money related to online gambling reached IDR 190 trillion or to be precise IDR 190,265,249,786,831. Apart from that, it was recorded that there were 2,761,828 parties involved in all online gambling activities (CNN Indonesia, 2023). In fact, Indonesian law has expressly prohibited gambling activities in accordance with article 303 of the Criminal Code, also specifically online gambling in accordance with article 27 paragraph 2 and article 45 paragraph 2 of Law no. 19 of 2016.

The figures reported by PPATK regarding the number of parties involved and the amount of money circulating from illegal online gambling activities in Indonesia cannot be underestimated. This problem must be resolved seriously by the government and all levels of society. The National Police Headquarters itself reported that since 2022 it has named 866 people as suspects in 685 online gambling cases. Of the total number of suspects arrested, they had a variety of roles, from those who promote to the dealer (CNN Indonesia, 2023).

Does the fact that hundreds of people have been arrested in connection with illegal online gambling cases mean that this problem can be resolved easily in a short period of time? Han, Wang, Xu, Zhao & Liu through a research article published in 2019 revealed that the problem of illegal online gambling is difficult to control or even eliminate because it involves various parties that form an organized system. Han stated that the system forms a pyramid structure which is known as The Pyramid Structure of an Illegal Online Gambling (IOG) Organization.

At the highest level of the hierarchy, investors are parties with small amounts who build and provide funds to build an online gambling platform. These investors usually build these platforms in a region or country where gambling activities are legal. After the online gambling platform has been built, investors then look for local organizers so they can operate online gambling in a region or country as a business collaboration agreement. Usually these local organizers will operate in regions or countries that prohibit gambling activities. Local organizers then look for gambling agents whose job is to find players, collect bets and distribute gambling proceeds. Finally, at the bottom of the hierarchy there are gamblers or online gambling players. These gamblers can only participate and transfer a certain amount of money to be able to take part in the game. Therefore, the number of gamblers is the largest in this pyramid structure (Han, Wang, Xu, Zhao & Liu, 2019).

The pyramid structure that has been analyzed by research by Han can be an illustration for law enforcement officials in charting the direction of an online gambling eradication strategy. On the other hand, people’s resilience to not be influenced by participating in becoming illegal online gambling players is also very important. One way that can be done is to make the public aware by educating them. Advertisements displayed by online gambling operators are part of a marketing strategy that can brainwash potential players.

Since the internet began to develop rapidly in the 1990s, gambling has utilized advertising as a weapon in its marketing strategy. They use various electronic media to promote their products. Even currently illegal online gambling providers advertise their products through sponsorship collaborations with a sports team and a person or community that is considered to be able to influence the wider community (Banks, 2014)

Research from James Banks (2014) dissects how online gambling providers utilize advertising as a mainstay strategy in attracting participation from potential players. Banks terms this strategy “Safe Risks”. Online gambling providers and operators are well aware that gambling activities are risky because players are not allowed to win the game easily. Therefore, when providers or operators flood every gap on the internet as a promotional site, they then formulate words that can attract the interest and trust of potential players. These words are also used to make players more addictive and want to continue playing without stopping.

Preventive measures must also be taken because public access to online gambling is so open along with technological developments. If we return to the PPATK statement regarding the findings of the online gambling report, it is known that lower economic class people are the community group most vulnerable to accessing online gambling platforms and getting involved in their activities. Prevention in the form of education from the macro to micro level needs to be promoted by all parties by instilling the principle that gambling is actually a game that has been regulated by other parties. The principle of becoming rich instantly through online gambling must also be clarified that this is just a fantasy, because to obtain wealth requires a process that involves intelligent effort accompanied by prayer.

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