Online Gambling is Making Indonesian People Miserable

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Online gambling is not a new issue in this country, but online gambling is a classic problem that often occurs every year. The government is still having difficulty dealing with this, as evidenced by the rise in people addicted to online gambling. Online gambling ensnares various types of groups, from the upper middle class to the lower middle class.

Online gambling or its familiar name is slots, is a gambling game that is played online. Online gambling can be accessed anytime and anywhere, playing it is very easy, you only need a smartphone and an internet network. This is what makes it easy for people to get trapped and it is difficult to get out of this red zone.

The problem is that it is not only civil society that is caught in online gambling, but state officials are also caught up. This is a sign of the seriousness of online gambling games, because state officials who are supposed to protect the public are also getting caught in online gambling games.

Kominfo released data, if the average age of those who play online gambling is 17-20 years, this is bad news, because young people who are the hope of the nation who will later develop the country are instead involved in online gambling which makes their desire to work and study even greater. decrease. So the psychology of young people who play online gambling is disturbed, and this has an impact on their future.

Brigadier General Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko from the National Police Public Relations Division revealed that the number of online gamblers in 2024 will decrease compared to the previous year. In 2023, 1,196 cases were recorded with 1,967 victims. Meanwhile, until April 2024, there were 792 cases with 1,158 suspects. This data shows a significant decrease in the number of cases and suspects involved in online gambling activities during that period.

These online gambling actors are also very disturbing in the field of education. There are two universities whose websites were hacked. The two universities are Jember University and Jember Muhammadiyah University. The two universities’ account security systems were unable to withstand hacking attacks from online gambling elements.

A student with the initials AFS from Medan, North Sumatra, was arrested by police from the I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport Police, Bali, after being found naked on the side of the road. It is suspected that the actions taken by AFS were triggered by depression due to losing in online gambling.

This incident attracted the attention of many parties because it shows the negative impact of online gambling addiction. AFS, who is still a student, most likely experienced severe mental pressure to take this extreme action. It is hoped that this arrest will serve as a warning to the public about the dangers of online gambling, especially for the younger generation who are vulnerable to its negative influences.

Online gambling has various negative impacts, including financial, mental health and social problems. Financially, players can lose large amounts of money, leading to debt and bankruptcy. Mental health is also affected, with an increased risk of addiction, stress, depression and anxiety. Socially, online gambling can damage personal and family relationships, as time and money spent on gambling sites reduces the quality of social interactions. Additionally, online gambling often involves illegal activities such as money laundering and fraud, which can have legal consequences. Thus, online gambling poses serious risks to individuals and society.

The large number of online gambling in Indonesia has made the government create penalties regulated in the Information and Electronic Transactions Law (UU ITE), especially Article 27 paragraph 2. This article states that every person intentionally and without the right to disseminate, transmit or make accessible electronic information relating to an action. . program. Gambling may be subject to legal sanctions. Perpetrators who violate this provision can be threatened with imprisonment for a maximum of six years and/or a fine of a maximum of IDR 1,000,000,000.00 (one billion rupiah).

The implementation of the ITE Law Article 27 paragraph 2 aims to reduce online gambling activities which are increasingly widespread in society. This law enforcement does not only target gambling parties, but also online gambling platform providers. It is hoped that a fairly severe sentence can provide a deterrent effect for the perpetrators and reduce the prevalence of online gambling which can harm various aspects of people’s lives, both economically, socially and mentally.

Knowledge of these laws is important for the public to be aware of the serious consequences of engaging in online gambling activities. Education regarding the dangers of online gambling and its legal consequences must also be improved, both through campaigns in the mass media and education in schools.

Avoiding online gambling requires commitment and the right strategy that must be carried out by oneself, because government policies will not be fully successful if there is no desire on your part. First, realize that online gambling is a life-affecting problem. Block access to gambling sites and apps by removing them from the device and using gambling site blocker software. Seek support from groups such as Gamblers Anonymous or therapists who have experience treating gambling addiction. Find a new hobby or activity that can distract you from your desire to gamble, such as exercising, reading, or hanging out with friends and family. Manage your finances well, create a tight budget, and avoid carrying excess cash or credit cards which can make it easier to gamble.

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